
Clinician Highlights at PNBC

For this week’s blog post, we would like to highlight some recent accomplishments for some of our clinicians at PNBC, as well as their extracurricular work activities. Dr. Takisha Corbett, Psychologist Dr. Corbett is a steering committee member of the California Psychological Associate Division 1 Health Psychology Section and worked with the steering committee to …

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Empowering Holiday Rituals

In a year full of uncertainties and the continuing need for social distancing, the holiday season in 2020 may not feel very festive. You may feel that there is not too much to celebrate about 2020 and may choose to forego in this holiday rituals altogether! If you do that, however, you might be missing …

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CBT-I for Troubled Sleep

Having trouble sleeping lately? Whether it involves difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or feeling restless the next day, it is no wonder that with the ongoing pandemic, there has been a surge of troubled sleepers worldwide. Some experts are even coining the term “coronasomnia” for the increased COVID-19-related sleep issues, creating a vicious “insomnia-causes-stress-causes-more-insomnia cycle” …

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Making Self-Care a Priority 

It is hard to believe 2021 is less than 90 days way. This year, with all of the many challenges, seems to be flying by. With the transition to working from home, many employees have found themselves even busier than when they were working in the office. Add to that, school-aged and/or college-aged distance learners, and perhaps another adult or two also working from home, you can begin to feel like an afterthought in …

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Emotional Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

Survivors of traumatic brain injury are often left to deal with unforeseen changes and symptoms. Impact to various regions of the brain, such as the area responsible for regulating emotions, can cause survivors of TBI to sense a lack of control over their feelings. Adjusting to life after brain injury may also trigger stress and …

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Pre-Surgical Psychological Clearance for a Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) Trial

Have you been recommended a spinal cord stimulator (SCS) trial implantation by your treating physician? Are you wondering what to expect from the required pre-surgical psychological evaluation? Are you asking yourself, why is a psychological evaluation even required? Well then, read this article, you shall.   What is a Spinal Cord Stimulator? In brief, an …

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Advocating for Your Healthcare Needs

Speaking up to a medical provider for your healthcare needs can feel a bit intimidating. This can become even more uncomfortable if you feel as though your provider is not “hearing you” or appears to dismiss your concerns. This type of experience can lead to retreating and avoiding contact with a medical provider; however, this …

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The Impact of Sheltering in Place on Mental Health and Chronic Pain

Since shelter in place orders began to take effect in March, many of my own clients have seen increases in pain and mental health symptoms. While sheltering in place has placed many restrictions on people, as well as significantly changed how we all experience our day to day lives, there are two things that directly …

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Practicing Mindfulness

Many people have asked, “what is mindfulness, and can it really help me?” The answers to those questions are simple and developing a mindfulness practice can be relatively easy.  Many mindfulness resources are accessible for free on websites and mobile apps, while other resources are available on a subscription basis or by enrolling in a …

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Coping with Hospital Stays During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the country begins the process of re-opening and lifting some restrictions, we find many activities are resuming. These include medical procedures that may have been postponed, as hospitals and medical facilities everywhere braced and prepared for treating individuals with COVID-19 back in March. If you are one of many patients who are being scheduled …

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About Neuropsychological Evaluations

What is a neuropsychologist? A neuropsychologist is a clinical psychologist with specialized training in the applied science of brain-behavior relationships. Neuropsychologists use cognitive and psychological tests to assess, diagnose, and provide treatment recommendations for individuals with neurological, medical, and psychiatric conditions. These assessments provide a better understanding of each patient’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional strengths …

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