Workers’ Compensation Psychological Services

Construction accident

PNBC offers psychological and neuropsychological evaluations at the level of consults, QME, and AME. Psychological treatment services are also provided for work comp patients. Here is our current MPN list. Prior to agreeing to treat work comp patients, our providers require authorization for a consult to determine a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Consultation-level evaluations are performed objectively, and we only see patients in therapy when the evaluation determines that there is a true psychiatric condition that is treatable. Our providers specialize in treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, behavioral treatment for chronic pain conditions, and adjustment related to other medical or neurologic conditions. We are able to provide therapy services in Spanish.

Some of our providers are Qualified Medical Evaluators (QME) in Psychology.

Our neuropsychologists are able to perform medical-legal neuropsychological evaluations for workers’ compensation. 

To Make a Referral: 

Please fax the written authorization from the claims’ adjuster for the service being requested to (866) 437-0375, along with patient demographics and available medical records. The following describe the verbiage that should be used in the authorization letter.

  1. “Psychological Consultation” describes an initial evaluation with psychological testing for the purpose of diagnostic clarification or treatment planning. Pre-surgical psychological evaluations also qualify as consultations. Consultations may lead to a treatment relationship with the patient, should the results of the evaluation determine that the patient is an appropriate candidate for therapy. Opinions regarding causation and permanent disability will not be addressed if the doctor is a secondary treater.
  2. “Psychological consultation + six sessions CBT” is recommended to expedite the process of approving therapy sessions. At PNBC, we require initial psychological evaluations of all patients prior to seeing them for therapy, to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, as well as assess whether the patient is an appropriate candidate for therapy. 
  3. “Medical-Legal Neuropsychological Evaluation.” Please note that we are only performing neuropsychological evaluations at the medical-legal level for workers’ compensation. Since neuropsychology is no longer considered a QME subspecialty, requesting specific authorization for a “medical-legal neuropsychological evaluation” is recommended. Alternatively,  designation of the neuropsychologist as an Agreed Medical Evaluator (AME) may also be provided.